Showers & Tubs
for Senior Living

Why Bestbath Works for Senior Living

Senior living facilities face challenges most don’t. Safety, first and foremost. But also pragmatic concerns with installation, cleaning, and other maintenance issues. The good news? Bestbath showers and tubs are designed and built to rise to these challenges.

Accessibility is Designed In

Finding a Bestbath shower or bath that works for every ability is easy. Nobody offers more roll-in/walk-in designs. And every shower is crafted to be ready for accessories like grab bars, seats, and more.

Full Wood Backing

Bestbath showers come with full wood backing as a standard, allowing grab bars, soap dishes, and other accessories to be safely and securely mounted post installation. The result is a sturdier, safer shower.

Easy Maintenance

Features like our proprietary barrier coat and top-grade gel coat finish combine with smart, lower maintenance designs to keep upkeep a cinch. Bestbath products keep that “like new” look for years and years.

The Look of Home

Bestbath offers the look of real tile (or actual real tile thanks to TileDesign) and other design elements to ensure showers feel like home… not industrial or institutional. A solution for senior living facilities trying to avoid a sterile environment.

Accessorize It

Whether you need to add seating, grab bars, slide bars, handheld shower heads, or other accessories, Bestbath has you covered. Not only do we offer a full range of accessories, our products are built to seamlessly integrate them.

Customize It

Bestbath products can be customized to suit any design or application. A perfect solution for assisted living, independent living, continuing care, and residential care facilities looking to create a unique experience.

Complex Project? That’s Our Speciality

The simple fact is that few companies truly understand the complexities and nuances of senior living and care facilities.

Bestbath does.

From specifying through delivery, staging, install, and even warranty, our customer service team is well-versed in every aspect of the industry. Senior care is how we got our start. And it remains a focus today.

Accessibility & Code Compliant

Whether you are addressing specific California Title 24 requirements, ADA/ANSI A, ANSI B, or just aiming to bring universal design to your multifamily project, Bestbath has you covered.

Yes — code compliant multifamily showers and tubs can be as beautiful as they are functional.

Ebook Download


Know the Codes: A Practical Guide to California's Title 24 for Bathrooms

Questions? We can answer them.

The Bestbath team can answer questions about products, code, design, process, and more. Please reach out.

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